
Hair Loss Practitioner



Hair loss, also called alopecia, is a disorder caused by an interruption
in the body's cycle of hair production.

Dr. Zelda Harding

Hi, I’m Dr. Zelda Harding, Cosmetologist, Trichologist, Functional Nutritionist, and salon owner for 35 years. I received my Cosmetology License in 1976. I said to myself that I would not do hair for a living. I had other intentions; nursing school was in my view. I once heard someone say if you want to make  GOD laugh tell him what you’re not going to do. In 1987, I opened my first salon. I had such a thirst for knowledge I regularly got on a plane heading for  Dudley  Cosmetology University. I was married with two babies and a business owner when I received a phone call telling me I had accumulated enough hours to qualify for their doctorate program. I was shocked. I needed to complete some required papers and tests to get my Bachelor’s and Master’s degree first. Then, I wrote my book and defended it. Tell me God didn’t have plans for my life. Thank goodness he knows me better than I do; that was in 1993

Wanting to know more about how the body affected hair and how to recognize hair and scalp modalities, I ended up at the International Institute of Trichology, receiving a Master’s Certification in Trichology in 2007. Sprinkled throughout these years, I received numerous certifications and awards from wig-making to business classes. Recently, I completed a Functional Nutrition Course in 2022. Can you tell I love learning? The more I learned, the more I recognized what I didn’t know.

I assess hair loss through an Epigenetic lens. Developmental biologist Conrad H. Waddington first described epigenetics in 1942. He recognized that the underlying DNA sequence can be corrected. Epigenetics controls genes, and they do this by turning your gene switch on/off, and occurs because of nature (which cells become-skin cells, kidney cells, and hair cells…) and nurture (environment, diet, stress, etc.)


Hair Loss

If you have concerns about hair loss, there are several things Dr. Zelda Harding board certified Cosmetologist / Trichologist can do to address your problem. First, certain tools must be ascertained such as a comprehensive medical form, visual examination, microscopic evaluation and consulting with client is needed to reach an assessment.

There are so many things that can cause hair / scalp maladies. In searching for the solution, scientific investigation has to be adhered too. There is always a cause and effect. For example, if your body is deficient in iron, zinc, protein or any combination; your fingernails will show it. Any one of these can contribute to some form of hair loss. It’s very important to have a good understanding of the growth anatomy and physiology of the hair shaft and follicle. It may show a systemic condition. If a scalp disorder is identified, (such as warts, viruses, parasites…) as a Trichologist we cannot treat these conditions. Once your doctor has address this disorder, the scalp can be treated with soothing techniques to aid the hair and scalp to return to optimal health..

Call (302) 998-2221 today for a consultation

The number one cause of hair loss is stress and it maybe chemical or mechanical. While discussing your concerns, an assessment form should be filled out to determine if you have an adrenal gland or thyroid gland imbalance. Maybe an iron or vitamin deficiency is the problem, just to name a few. If hair loss is due to DHT (dehydrotestostone), DHT blockers should be used. These blockers create a barrier around the hair follicles to inhibit penetration at the root, thereby hair stops miniaturizing and returns to its ideal width, length and strength.

These are just a few things we do here to analyze and treat hair loss.

Hair Loss Terminology

Trichology ~ study of hair and scalp disorders. We become detectives for your hair!

Professional Laser Treatment ~ Provides energy that stimulates hair growth and promotes changes in hair density and scalp overall health.








We look forward to servicing you soon.

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